Diabetes- need to know about
Diabetes- need to know about
- Post author By admin
- Post date June 27, 2022
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Mainly there are three types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and gestational diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition in which pancreas produces little or no insulin due to the destruction of insulin making cells by immune system. Causes of type 1 diabetes are still unknown. For some reasons, the immune system attacks and destroys insulin producing beta cells in pancreas by mistake. Very few percent of people with diabetes have type 1. This is also called juvenile diabetes as child and teenager are more likely to get type 1 diabetes.
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes: –
- Frequent urination
- Increased thirst and hunger
- Dry mouth
- Sudden weight loss
- Upset stomach
- Fatigue
- Blurry vision
- Frequent infection of skin
- Mood swing
Complications of type 1 diabetes: –
(1)Cardiovascular disease like high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure(2) Gum disease(3) Skin problems(4) Pregnancy problems (5) Eye problems(6) Kidney damage
Tips to prevent complications: –
- Take insulin under the guidance of the doctor and keep your sugar level under control
- Eat well, if needed consult with a nutritionist
- Do some exercise
- Have regular medical, dental and vision checkup
- Keep eye on your cholesterol levels and blood pressure
- Quit smoking as early as possible
There is a condition called Prediabetes, where someone’s blood sugar levels are higher than the normal range but are not high enough to be type 2 diabetes. Without any precaution it can develop to type 2 diabetes within few years.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes among people. It occurs due to insulin resistant as sugar builds up in the blood when the body becomes resistant to insulin. Many factors can lead to this diabetes like bad lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, certain health issues, etc. Likepeople who smoke often, do not have enough sleep, have excess body weight, adopt a habit of eating junkand processed food all the time and have very little or no exercise, are more likely to get type 2 diabetes. Also, those who have high blood pressure, triglycerides, bad cholesterol levels and have PCOS/PCOD, thyroid are at risk of getting this diabetes.
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes: –
- Frequent urination
- Increased thirst and hunger
- Fatigue
- Unexplained weight loss
- Numb or tingling hand or feet
- Blurred vision
- Slow healing cuts and wounds
- Very dry skin
Treatment for type 2 diabetes: –
To manage it one must consult with a doctor and a nutritionist. Yes, type 2 diabetes is manageable and it can be reversed in particular cases. You have to take medicine regularly with that you should eat the healthiest food in moderate quantities. Food therapy and lifestyle changes can even reduce you medicine dosages.
- Have foodswhich are rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats but low in saturated fat.
- Have foods that are high in nutrients but low in empty calories.
- Keep an eye on your portion size and calorie intake throughout the day.
- Avoid refined and processed food, sugary drinks.
- Make a habit of eating at regular intervals.
- Exercise regularly, also try to stay active throughout the day and keep your body weight under healthy category.
- Limit your alcohol intake and quit smoking.
Some foods that are diabetic friendly: –
- Green vegetables
- Whole grains
- Eggs
- Nuts
- Berries
- Avocado
- Beans and legumes
- Yogurt
- Jamun
- Chiaseeds
- Flaxseeds
- Salmon
- Olive oil
Complications of type 2 diabetes: –
- Cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke.
- Kidney failure, in that case one may need dialysis or kidney replacement.
- Skin problems like bacterial and fungal infections.
- Eye problems like retinal damage which can cause deteriorating vision or blindness.
- One can have hearing problem.
- Nerve damage which can cause trouble with digestion, loss of sensation in the feet.
- Brain function can get hampered and may lead to Alzheimer’s diseases.
- One can develop sleep apnea.
- High blood sugar people are likely to get depressed.
Prevention of type 2 diabetes: –
However, there are some ways that can prevent or help to delay the developing of type 2 diabetes. They are-
- Food habits: To prevent type 2 diabetes one must eat a healthy diet which is full of seasonal fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, healthy fats. Avoid processed food as much as possible and also keep an eye on your calorie intake.
- Exercise:Regular exercise has many health benefits. As it always controls many risk factors that can lead to get diabetes.
- Quit smoking: Stop smoking as it may cause you insulin resistance.
- Weight management:It is very necessary to keep healthy body weight. Obese people are very tending to get type 2 diabetes.
- Health checkup: Get a regular checkup of your body to know the levels of your blood sugar, cholesterol levels, etc.
Gestational diabetes happenswhen one gets high blood sugar during pregnancydue to the hormonal changes. Theplacenta releases hormones that cause glucose to build up in the blood by making the body cells less sensitive to the insulin effect. Sometimes gestational diabetes goes away after given birth but it increases the risk of getting type 2 diabetes later in life. And sometimes gestational diabetes changes to type 2 diabetes after the delivery. Many factors can be the reason of this diabetes like if one is already overweight before getting pregnant, have prediabetes, have PCOS, have thyroid, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other medical complications, etc.
Symptoms of gestational diabetes: –
- Increased thirst.
- Feel hungry and one will eat more than usual.
- Frequent urination.
Complications of gestational diabetes: –
Problems by uncontrolled gestational diabetes can affect both mother and baby like (1) premature birth (2) baby can get jaundice (3) baby’s weight can be higher than normal (4) increase risk to get type 2 diabetes later in life for the baby (5) baby can get low blood sugar level after birth (6) may lead to stillbirth (7) mother can develop high blood pressure (8) mother can get type 2 diabetes (9) may require cesarean delivery (10) mother has high chances of getting gestational diabetes in future pregnancies.
Tips to prevent complications: –
- A proper meal plan during pregnancy with the help of the nutritionist.
- A safe exercise plan according to your body condition under the guidance of a trainer.
- Keep body weight under control.
- Take medicine as prescribed by the doctor.
- Check blood sugar levels as told by the doctor on time, without any delay.