Why are carbs and fats equally important as protein in a balanced diet ?


Why are carbs and fats equally important as protein in a balanced diet ?

A balanced diet must include all the essential nutrients that the body requires. It fulfills all of a person’s nutritional needs through a variety of food groups like whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, dairy products, lean protein, etc. Also a balanced diet consists of good carbs, good fats and protein with essential vitamins and minerals, which is the key for weight loss or weight management.


Role of carbs, fats and protein in weight loss: –


  • Carbohydrate is the primary source of energy. Complex carbs like brown rice, oats, sweet potato, whole grain bread, cereal, etc. are good for those who want to shed some kilos from their body. These carbohydrates tend to digest at a slower rate because of their high fiber content. So, complex carbs help to keep you full for longer thus outsmarting your cravings and helps to eat a low calorie yet nutritious diet. Also, they reduce the blood sugar spikes due to its slow digestion and are considered as low GI foods.
  • Good fat consumption in moderation also helps in weight loss. Fats take even more time to digest than carbs and protein, thus people can control their appetite and prevent overeating by eating good fats in moderation. They also boost heart health as good fats help to lower the bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. Good fats are also required for a healthy brain, good memory and for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K.
  • Protein is also very important when it comes to losing Not only weight loss but also prevents weight gain. Research shows that taking protein helps to feel full for longer and thus maintain one’s calorie intake throughout the day. Intake of protein boosts one’s metabolic rate. It also helps to repair, build or maintain muscle mass.

Other benefits of balanced diet: –


A balanced diet not only helps in weight loss but it also helps people to maintain overall good health. Without a balanced diet our body is more prone to diseases and different health issues.

  • Through a balanced diet, the body gets all the essential nutrients thus helping to prevent chronic diseases like cancer, stroke, heart diseases, diabetes, etc.
  • Balanced diet helps the children with growth and development by providing nourishment to them.
  • Balanced diet boosts one’s immune health and metabolism, which helps to lead a healthy life.

Food list to include in the balanced diet: –


  • Whole grains are a good source of good carbs and fibers.
  • Nuts and legumes are good sources of protein and fiber.
  • Good fats which contain linoleic acid and linolenic acid like ghee, mustard oil, peanut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil. But they should be taken in moderation.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables help to get the essential vitamins and minerals for the body.
  • Dairy products are a good source of protein, fat, vitamins and
  • Lean proteins like egg whites, chicken, lentils, beans, tofu, milk, turkey, salmon, etc. provide many health benefits.

So, for a balanced diet, one needs to choose foods and drinks that offer good nutrition. It also includes avoiding too much junk and processed food. Along with a balanced diet, good water intake, exercise and good sleep, one can easily lead a happy and healthy life.

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