Weight Loss
and Detoxification
Total Nourishment is the most crucial part of any long term weight reduction plan. At Total Nourish, Dt. Sangita Chatterjee, best weight loss dietitian in Delhi, will help create personalized meal plans with you, which are not fancy or exotic.. Read More..
It is a condition where the ovaries stop working normally and the hormones get out of balance, leading to one or more symptoms including irregular periods, infertility, weight issues, abnormal hair growth etc. Food as medicine is the best.. Read More..
for Wellness
Modern life style and changing environments have led to development many diseases and affects all age groups. It is essential to keep up a healthy lifestyle to improve immunity and reduce the risk of diseases for a better and happier living.. Read More..
Blood Pressure
Uncontrolled blood pressure increases the risk of having serious health issues such as cardiac arrest, kidney disease, hypertension and dementia. Lifestyle plays a major role in controlling blood pressure. A healthy eating plan not.. Read More..
The secret to managing diabetes does not lie in a pill. If you want to control your sugar levels without depending on conventional medicines, follow a good diet, eat timely meals and incorporate mild exercise into your daily routine.. Read More..
Having a weak immunity means being more prone to diseases. Strengthening your immunity, is not as difficult a task as it seems to be. With right nutrition and a little tweak to your lifestyle, it can be easily achieved. Dt. Sangita.. Read More..
& Osteoporosis
Not having the right nutrition can lead to decreased bone density and a risk of broken bones and also give rise to Osteoporosis. It is one of the most common and painful lifestyle diseases. Dt. Sangita, best nutritionist in Delhi will help you to prevent it and avoid medications that.. Read More..
& Lactation
Pregnancy is a time of high anticipation and being extremely cautious. It is important to not have any nutrient gaps, for the help the mother and the baby. Dt. Sangita Chatterjee, wants nothing less than the best for the mother to be and the baby, so the diet plans revolves around a.. Read More..
& Lipid Disorders
One of the most common outputs of leading a poor lifestyle is high levels of Cholesterol. Dt. Sangita Chatterjee, best weight loss dietitian in Delhi, wants you to understand the importance of making smarter health choices and practicing mindful eating, this is something that one.. Read More..